Board Member Vacancy

PFPMA Members,

This notice is to announce current vacancies on the PFPMA Board of Directors for both elected and appointed positions.  Please consider sharing your expertise and talents to help move the organization forward. All notices of interest must be received by Friday, January 21, 2022, 5:00PM EST. Board member vacancies are as follows:


  • Parliamentarian


  • Public Relations Coordinator
  • National Events Coordinator
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Assistant Secretary

The Parliamentarian should be knowledgeable of the By-Laws and Constitutions of the organization. She should know which parliamentary authority will rule the organization.

General duties:

  • Know parliamentary procedures
  • Ensure the correct procedures are used during meetings
  • Familiar with “Robert Rules of Order”
  • Explain the use of parliamentary procedures to all members of the organization
  • Know the organization’s By-Laws
  • Amend By-Laws and update Guidelines & Procedures as needed with a committee of 6 for By-Laws and 3 for Guidelines & Procedures
  • Present amendments to By-Laws and edits to Guidelines & Procedures to the Board for approval before presenting to the membership

SECTION 7.12 Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian practices the rights of people to join together to accomplish common goals and enable them to debate and take action in a fair manner with the least amount of controversy. The rules of Parliamentary procedures are based on common sense and logic. The Parliamentarian will follow PFPMA By-laws and Roberts Rules of Order.

 As outlined in our governing by-laws, the Board of Directors will make an appointment to temporarily fill the vacancy created, by affirmative vote of the majority Board of Directors, until such time that there shall be an election of the members acting at the Annual, Pre-season or Special Meeting.  

The Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the PFPMA brand is known by all stakeholders.

General duties:

  • Prepare Press Kits and messaging content
  • Prepare guidelines and template for writing a news release
  • Prepare guidelines and template for submitting a press release
  • Provide tools for developing a quality press release product
  • Collaborate, coordinate, and communicate with event organizers, members, and media/press through event completion
  • Create a regional and national PFPMA media contact database
  • Review, approve and submit all press releases
  • Explore worthy public relations projects and make recommendations to the Board
  • Submit public relations budget for approval
  • Be the main contact for media/press at all events
  • Coordinate photography, interviews, and presentations of PFPMA media/press opportunities
  • Provide event write-ups to the PFPMA newsletter coordinator
  • Create a database for event photos - Create a database for event photos and post to all organizations' social media accounts
  • Receive and archive incoming data from event coordinator
  • Responsible for the Marketing & Promotion of all organization’s major events
  • Update 1st Vice President on activities for the quarterly report regarding the strategic plan

The National Events Coordinator will coordinate all events that occur within the organization. The coordinator will monitor events from start to completion.

General duties:

  • Coordinate arrangements for Super Bowl
  • Contact NFL office in April to secure hotel rooms for following year
  • October 1st, send memo on hotel information
  • Tentative room list completed by November 30th
  • Tentative plan for organizational event
  • Place to watch Super Bowl
  • Coordinate arrangements for NFL Draft
  • January 15th hotel information
  • Tentative schedule
  • Assist with the Preseason conference/Retreat
  • Provided oversight to committee
  • Member of the preseason conference/retreat committee
  • Update the 1st Vice President on activities for the quarterly report regarding the strategic plan


Assistant Treasurer will exercise the following duties of the treasurer in the absence of the treasurer:

  • Develop an annual budget
  • Provide monthly financial reports
  • Provide Annual Financial report
  • Post financial reports on member only section of web site
  • Prepare Annual Exempt Form Income Tax Form 990
  • Prepare Maryland State Form 1 Personal Property Return
  • Handle all monies applicable to the organization
  • Approve and process reimbursements and expenditures
  • Member of the preseason/retreat conference committee
  • Policy for dues
  • Maintain membership dues/ID cards
  • Use online tool to process donations instantly using account (like PayPal)
  • Send automated tax receipts to donors with Thank you letter signed by President
  • Collect and maintain donor information for organization’s database
  • Create summaries of donations as part of monthly report
  • Bank Account Maintenance

The Assistant Secretary will exercise the following duties of the secretary in the absence of the secretary:

  • Post or ensure the approved minutes are posted on the website within 30 days of the last board meeting.
  • Receive and file all correspondence
  • Maintain up-to-date contact information
  • Communicate by email or by phone and text
  • Maintain a monthly calendar and update calendar on website
  • Keep membership directory updated and posted or ensure it is posted on the website
  • Assign duties to the assistant secretary
  • Database storage of the organization’s records
  • Attend executive, board, annual, business, and special meetings
  • Assist President with meeting agendas
  • Email meeting agenda, previous month's minutes, dial-in information, and other documents as needed to board at least 3 days prior to board meeting for review
  • Host and record executive, board, annual, business, and special meetings via conference call/web meetings
  • Post minutes on the website within 30 days of last board meeting--Prepare board, business, and annual meeting minutes and post summarized version on website within 30 days of approval
  • Prepare executive meeting minutes and file
  • Receive and file all correspondence--including organizational documents (e.g. board insurance policy
  • All correspondence is proofread, edited, and sent by the Secretary including Regional Coordinators emails for regional meetings to their respective regions
  • Notify executive board of requests from members to forward correspondence to the membership for personal gain
  • Work closely with Treasurer to maintain an accurate list of members in good standing
  • Keep membership directory updated and posted on the website--Update membership directory on website on a regular basis
  • Forward all photos, flyers, etc. received from membership for sharing by email to website administrator and public relations coordinator
  • Maintain updated letterhead for written correspondence
  • Notify President and send email to membership when out-of-town and refer them to Assistant Secretary (if you cannot be reached
    Update the President on activities for the quarterly report regarding the strategic plan

SECTIONS 7.1 and & 7.1.1. Appointed Officers.

The President shall appoint the Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer.

The 1st Vice President shall appoint the National Events Coordinator and Public Relations Coordinator.

Appointed officers must be members in good financial standing of the Association.


According to PFPMA’s Guidelines and Procedures persons interested in serving on the board of directors must have the following qualifications:

  • Qualifications for Board of Director Positions All candidates should:
  • Have a minimum of 2 years of active membership
  • Committed to Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan
  • Familiar with By-Laws
  • Attend all board meetings
  • In good financial standing
  • Working knowledge of a non-profit
  • Communicate effectively both verbally and written

Please consider sharing your expertise and talents to help move the organization forward.   


All interested and qualified members who wish to be considered for the elected position of Parliamentarian and the appointed positions of Assistant Secretary,  Assistant Treasurer will need to email a letter of interest  to [email protected]


All interested and qualified members who wish to be considered for National Events Coordinator and Public Relations Coordinator will need to email a letter of interest to [email protected].


All notices of interest must be received by Friday, January 21, 2022, 5:00PM EST. 

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